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How can I find the lowest prices for my journey?


  • Book early! Unlike charter flights, low cost carrier prices generally increase the closer you get to your date of departure.

  • Watch out for special promotions. Return regularly to to link to the airlines website as deals often only last a few days.

  • Be flexible. Prices vary widely from one day to the next. If you can check a range of dates / times. Some airlines offer a bargain finder to check a whole month at a time.

  • Be prepared to book straight away. Have your details and payment card handy as offers are instant purchases and returning to the website 5 minutes later can mean you lose the seat and the price.

  • Check the offer details. There is usually a link to show when the valid travel dates and times are on the website.

  • Paying with a debit card such as Visa Delta means you don't pay the credit card fee with some airlines. But check that your booking method is secure.











Disclaimer: and Low cost Flight Finder is a guide only and is not responsible for external websites or for incorrect information displayed on the website. All details are monitored closely and updated regularly, however, flight details are subject to change at short notice. and Low cost Flight is not an agent for airlines or hotels and all bookings made through external website links are subject to applicable terms and conditions.

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